Ried ANZENTHAL – Subried Schillingsberg

The vineyards of Ried Anzenthal lie at elevations of between 190 and 230 metres. The majority face south, although they also face south-east to some extent, and are divided into terraces on the Wagram scarp. Those on the plateau at the top are flat. Right at the bottom, the predominantly calcareous clayey silts and sands from the ancient seabed are exposed. These have been covered by lime-deficient to non-calcareous sandy gravels, indicating a former valley floor of the ancient Danube, and these are also found, covered by loess, in the substratum of the plateau. The vineyards are recorded in both the Franziszeische Kataster (Austrian cadastral survey) from 1823 and the Administrativkarte (administrative map, 1864–1881). The name of the plot, Anzenthal, is still in use today.
Quellen: ÖWM, BFW-eBOD Digitale Bodenkarte, Riedenatlas Wagram 2021, M. Heinrich et al. 2009, GBA 2015: Blatt 39 Tulln, NÖ Atlas-Land Niederösterreich, www.familia-austria.at