

Ried Berg’s predominantly south- and south-west-facing vineyards border directly on the village at an elevation ranging between roughly 280 and 330 metres. The substratum contains the sandy gravels of the Hollabrunn-Mistelbach formation, but these have largely been covered by thick loess with a soil of black earth. Loess is a calcareous rock dust (silt) that was blown here from the Alpine region during the cold phases of the Ice Age, at a time when vegetation on the forelands of the glaciers and river plains was sparse. Today, it forms a loamy, sandy and invariably calcareous soil with a well-balanced chemical and mineralogical composition and a good capacity for storing water. The sandy gravels are approximately 8- to 10-million-year-old sedimentary deposits from the ancient Danube, which once flowed into the Vienna Basin, following a course to the north of the present-day river. The soil is stony in places, as we would expect. Red wines varieties are also cultivated in the vineyard. Individual vineyards are recorded in both the Franziszeische Kataster (Austrian cadastral survey) from 1823 and the Administrativkarte (administrative map, 1864–1881).

Quellen: ÖWM, BFW-eBOD Digitale Bodenkarte, Riedenatlas Wagram 2021, M. Heinrich et al. 2009, GBA 2015: Blatt 39 Tulln, NÖ Atlas-Land Niederösterreich, www.familia-austria.at

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