
Ried Bodenleiten is located a good stretch east of the village of Stettenhof and north-east of Gösing. Its vineyards lie at an elevation of roughly 280 to 360 metres, predominantly facing south, although some parts also face south-west and south-east. The substratum is made up of quartz-rich sandy gravels of the Hollabrunn-Mistelbach formation. These are approximately 8- to 10-million-year-old sedimentary deposits from the ancient Danube, which once flowed into the Vienna Basin, following a course somewhat to the north of the present-day river. The central part of the Ried contains calcareous, silty loess on top of the sedimentary deposits from a former river – the ancient Danube. The soil here is a calcareous, loamy and silty black earth. Vineyards are recorded at this location in both the Franziszeische Kataster (Austrian cadastral survey) from 1823 and the Administrativkarte 1:28,800 (administrative map, 1864–1881). The plot was referred to by the name of today’s Ried, “Bodenleiten” (alternative spelling “Bodenleithen”).

Quellen: ÖWM, BFW-eBOD Digitale Bodenkarte, Riedenatlas Wagram 2021, M. Heinrich et al. 2009, GBA 2015: Blatt 39 Tulln, NÖ Atlas-Land Niederösterreich, www.familia-austria.at


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