Privacy & Imprint


At "Wagram WineGuide" we take your privacy seriously, and we want you to feel confident using our app. Our app stores some data about your use of the app, but we do not collect or store any information that could personally identify you. We only assign each user a unique ID, which we do not link to any other personal information.

Here's what data our app does collect:

• We track the use of individual location markers (such as QR codes, NFC tags, or iBeacons) at specific locations, as well as the frequency of their use.

• We collect content delivery data to measure the quality of our app and improve the user experience.

In addition to the above, here are some other important things to know:

• Our app does not collect or store any sensitive personal information, such as your name, address, phone number, or email address.

• We may collect technical information about your device, such as its operating system version and device type, to help us troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

• We may use third-party analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, to track and analyse user behaviour within the app. These tools may collect and transmit certain usage data to their servers, but this data is anonymised and cannot be used to identify individual users.

• We take the security of your data very seriously and employ industry-standard measures to safeguard it against unauthorised access, theft, or loss.

• Our app is safe for all users, including young audiences, due to its content and the fact that we do not collect or store any personal data in the app or in our backend.

If you have any questions or concerns about our data collection practices, please contact us directly using the contact information provided in the app.

Firebase Crashlytics / Firebase Crash Reporting

In this app we use Firebase Crashlytics and Firebase Crash Reporting (hereinafter Google Firebase) to analyze user behavior and to report on the stability and improvement of the app. The provider is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google Firebase includes various functions that enable us to analyze your in-app behavior. In this way we can, for example, analyze your screen views and button presses. We can also determine which functions within our APP are used frequently or rarely. For these purposes, Google Firebase stores, among other things, the number and duration of sessions, operating systems, device models, region and a range of other data. A detailed overview of the data collected by Google Firebase can be found at:

Google Firebase Crashlytics and Firebase Crash Reporting is used to improve the stability and app. Information about the device used and the use of our app is collected (e.g. the time stamp when the app was started and when the crash occurred), which enables us to diagnose and solve problems. The data is stored anonymously.

The use of Firebase Crashlytics and Firebase Crash Reporting may require the forwarding of your personal data to the USA. The storage period for the data collected in this way can be found in the data protection regulations of the provider.

Google Firebase Crashlytics and Firebase Crash Reporting are used to optimize this app and to improve our offers. This represents a legitimate interest within the meaning of Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

For more information about Google Firebase, visit:



Office address: Rathausplatz 19, 3465 Königsbrunn am Wagram

Tel: 02278 2771

E-mail address:


© Regional Wine Committee Wagram

Our press and picture service is available free of charge to all journalists and those interested in reporting on the Wagram DAC. Please note the specified copyright notices.

The Weinkomitee Wagram does not own any further rights for any publications. If necessary, these must be obtained from the respective authors or holders of the publication rights.

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